10 Ways to Repurpose One Piece of Marketing Content

content marketing online marketing Jun 17, 2021
10 ways to repurpose one piece of marketing content

You can save time when you repurpose your marketing content for use in multiple ways and places.

Most coaches, course creators, and service-based business owners that I know all have one thing in common: the challenge of time.

Time is our most valuable asset, and often the biggest struggle for entrepreneurs. As the CEO of your business, you are often wearing multiple hats. You are in charge of (and maybe the only one) working with your clients, looking after your marketing and sales, and making sure the back-end pieces are taken care of. You have all the balls up in the air and it’s your responsibility to keep them all up there.

Today, I want to share a way that you can save time with your marketing— time that can be used to juggle one of those other “balls”.

In my last article, I presented The 3 R’s of Content Marketing. One of those R’s is ”Repurpose” (and is also the “R” that I have implemented most regularly into my marketing plan).

When we repurpose content marketing we are:

  • Becoming more efficient.
  • Saving time.
  • Expanding the reach of our marketing by creating multiple types of content at the same time.

How can you repurpose your marketing content? When I create a newsletter to send to my email list of subscribers, I not only end up with a finished newsletter article, but I also have 6 pieces of additional marketing content to use.

Here are the ways I regularly repurpose my marketing content:

  1. Blog post: I turn my newsletter article into a blog post that I add onto my website with additional SEO elements to bring more traffic to my website ... aka more potential leads. (1)
  2. Text posts with link: I create up to 3 short enticing posts to encourage followers to click the link to my blog post that I schedule on my Facebook and LinkedIn social media channels. (3)
  3. Facebook Live Video: I take the tips from the newsletter article and create a Live Video on my Facebook page. You could also create a YouTube Live video, IGTV, or Instagram reel from these tips. Video is a great way to increase the reach to your followers on social media as many social media channels favour video in their algorithms. (3)
  4. Tip post with image: I pull out small tips and pieces of advice from the newsletter article that can be used as a standalone post with an image that shows my expertise and builds credibility with my followers. These posts can be used on your preferred and chosen social media channels. (3)

Additional ways that a newsletter article can be repurposed include:

  1. Podcast episode: Turn your newsletter content not only into a blog post, but also into a podcast episode to reach those in your audience who prefer to listen to—rather than read—new content. (1)
  2. LinkedIn article: Post your newsletter as a LinkedIn article to reach your audience of connections on LinkedIn. (1)
  3. Pinterest pin: If you have a strong following on Pinterest, create a pin image with a description to share your blog post link on one of your boards. This will, again, drive more traffic to your website. (1)

By repurposing my one newsletter article, I end up with a minimum of 7 different pieces of marketing content to use. (There is the potential to have a good 10 different types of content though!)

When you add up the time each individual post would take to create on its own, that’s a lot of time and energy saved that I can use more efficiently in other areas of my business – primarily, serving my clients.

Are you ready to be more efficient in your content creation? If you aren’t already repurposing your content, I encourage you to pick two or three ways that you can start implementing this change today.

I would love to know how this is working for you, so comment below to let me know! Do you use other methods that I didn’t include in the list above?


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