3 Ways to Save Time with Your Online Marketing

email marketing online marketing Feb 11, 2020
3 ways to save time with online marketing

One of the biggest roadblocks most entrepreneurs have when it comes to your online marketing is saving time.

Does this sound familiar? Do you struggle with saving time in your online marketing?

In order to grow your business, it is important that you can find time in your week to invest in marketing your business online. If you don’t, how will your ideal client find you? How will your business grow? Where will your clients hear about you?

It can feel overwhelming to add on one more task to your to-do list. Life certainly isn’t slowing down. It is often getting busier and busier each year. But if you don’t make it a priority to invest time in your online marketing, you will struggle to grow your business and meet those quarterly and year-end goals.

Do you struggle with finding the time to invest in marketing your business online?

Are you overwhelmed with adding in one more thing to your already busy task list?

How hard is it to make time to learn new systems to promote your content online?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, keep reading.

Here are 3 ways to save time with your online marketing:

1. Implement a Production Process

A production process can save a huge amount of time because you are creating all the required content within the same timeframe. When you sit down to write your article for your newsletter or blog post, include all of the information you need for that article.

Create a document that includes the title and full body of your article, has an introduction for sending it out as a newsletter to your email list, outlines the Call To Action, has the captions for images to use, includes all the necessary SEO items for optimizing your blog post, and includes three or four small promotion posts that you can use when sharing and promoting on your social media channels.

I find when I implement this production process I can save a huge amount of time because I am creating all of these pieces at the same time. I don’t have to spend extra time reviewing the article that I wrote two days ago before creating those additional pieces listed above. I just add it on to my writing time and produce everything that I need within the same time block.

2. Block time in your schedule

Make an appointment in your calendar for Content Creation at the same time every week. If you have not yet set aside a specific block of time in your week to spend on creating marketing content, stop reading this and go do it right now. You will be much more successful in marketing your business if you block out the time to actually work on your business.

I’m serious. If you are still reading, stop. Go to your calendar and schedule that block of time that recurs every week. And then come back and keep reading :)

By setting aside the same block of time every week you are creating a habit of working on your business. It will get easier and easier to write those articles and will save you time

3. Hire a Virtual Assistant

I’m not just saying this because I offer these services :) but hiring a Virtual Assistant to help you with marketing your content online can save a lot of time.

Hire someone who is efficient with the email marketing platform you use; who has a strong knowledge of Wordpress; who knows the ins and outs of the technology you are using in your business for online marketing.

There are many Virtual Assistants available who are efficient in taking your content, editing and formatting it into your email marketing system to send out to your email list, and who can create and publish a blog post of your article. By investing in a Virtual Assistant to help you with these tasks that may be overwhelming to you, you are investing in your business. You are giving yourself the gift of time. Time to grow your business. Time to help your clients. Time for you.

These are 3 ways to save time with your online marketing. Can you pick one and start implementing it today? Start making a change today! Let me know how you are going to start saving time in the comments below.

If you are feeling overwhelmed with marketing your business online, I am here to help you! Book a free 30-minute discovery call today to discuss your needs and how a monthly Email Marketing Retainer can help with your online marketing.