6 Reasons We are Not the Right Marketing Team for You

content marketing online marketing Mar 21, 2023
6 Reasons We are Not the Right Marketing Team for You

Is our Marketing Team the right fit for you and your business?

This may seem like a bit of an unusual type of article to write. Most Done-For-You service-based businesses tend to stick to articles about how great we are, how we can make your life easier, and why you should hire us.

Ultimately, what you really want to know is “Are we the right fit for you and your business?”

Or will hiring us as your marketing team be a big mistake and a waste of time for both of us?

Hiring a marketing team for your coaching business is a big step.

You’ve come to a place where you are ready to spend more of your precious time doing the work that brings you joy and entrust those marketing tasks to an expert marketing team. This is a long-term commitment and it’s important that we are both on the same page. That there is honesty, respect, and good communication on both sides.

In marketing, it is vital that you know who your ideal client is and that you have a strong idea of your core messaging – how you help your clients and solve their problems. Without these two things, you will struggle to attract the right people for your business – those that will be the right fit for you to work with.

So, today we are going to explore the reasons why you should not hire us as your marketing team, to help you know whether we are the right fit for you and your business.

Who shouldn’t hire us for our marketing services?

Here’s a summary of the 6 reasons why we may not be the right marketing team for you:

  1. You don’t want to do any marketing work.
  2. You want the cheapest marketing team you can find.
  3. You are looking for a quick fix to your marketing.
  4. You don’t have a clear marketing strategy.
  5. You are unable to stick to deadlines.
  6. You are not strong at communicating with your team.

If you are still reading, let’s dive deeper into each of these six reasons.

1. You don’t want to do any marketing work.

Yes, when you partner with us as your marketing team we do save you time, a minimum of 7 hours per month, and take a lot of the marketing tasks off of your plate. However, it’s not as simple as signing the contract, providing payment and then forgetting about your marketing.

With the marketing packages we offer, we do require two things from you:

  1. That you create that main cornerstone piece of content whether it’s in the form of a blog article or podcast episode because we can’t repurpose content in your voice if there is no content for us to pull from.
  2. That you spend time networking and engaging online with your followers and potential leads. This doesn’t have to be a lot of time – 15 minutes a day is great – but it keeps you and your personality connecting and engaging with your audience, rather than someone trying to be you.

If you don’t have the time or desire to commit to these two things, you are going to want to find a marketing team or agency that includes these tasks within their service packages. Now, if you are getting stuck on #1 – create that main cornerstone piece of content – and are still a good fit, reach out as we would love to put you in touch with a content writer we are networked with who would be a good fit for you and your business.

2. You want the cheapest marketing team you can find.

We are not in business to make money, however, being able to pay the bills and take care of our families is certainly important. Our passion is to help you confidently grow your business online, and we know that being consistent with high-quality content online is key to increasing those leads of potential clients, and thus growing your business.

We are here to partner with you and your business. When you hire us as your marketing team, our team becomes your team. You are investing in expertise that can customize and tailor your voice and your brand to the marketing content we repurpose, all in a way that fits within your marketing strategy and overall goals.

We are not the most expensive marketing team or agency you can hire, nor are we the cheapest. Yet, our pricing reflects the years of knowledge, skills, education and continual learning that we have to ensure we continue to stay up-to-date with the always-changing trends of the online marketing industry.

3. You are looking for a quick fix to your marketing.

The world of online marketing is a long game. It can take time to begin seeing results from your marketing efforts ... but it’s worth the investment. Marketing requires consistency and quality to establish yourself as a credible authority in your industry and to build that know, like, and trust factor with your audience. This is why we require a minimum 3-month commitment so we can establish a strong, ongoing relationship with our clients.

If you are still unsure of how online marketing plays a key role in attracting new leads to your coaching business, take a look at this article: Kotler’s 5 A’s of Creating an Effective Customer Journey, where I show you how your marketing strategy can (and should) be guiding potential leads through each of the five stages of the customer journey.

4. You don’t have a clear marketing strategy.

Without a plan, you will struggle to find success in anything. This is also very much true when it comes to online marketing. To be effective in marketing your coaching business online, it is so important to have a clear marketing strategy. This will outline who your ideal client is, what you are selling and the problem that you solve for your clients, the steps within your sales funnel, and how all of this fits into your overall business goals.

When you have a clear understanding of your marketing strategy, you are able to produce better, high-quality content for us as your marketing team to repurpose into even more high-quality content. As your marketing team, we are available as a sounding board to give guidance around content ideas and updates to your marketing strategy as needed. However, you need to have a good idea of these things before we begin working together.

5. You are unable to stick to deadlines.

To ensure a good working relationship and smooth processes, our team sets aside time each week/month to work on your marketing content. Therefore, it is very important that we all work together to stick to the clear deadlines that were agreed upon during the onboarding process when we began working together. These deadlines outline the timeline of when we require marketing content from our clients every month so that we receive the needed content in a timely manner, allowing us to fulfill the marketing package that you hired us for.

When there is a missed deadline, it puts extra pressure on our team to fit that work around other work and may result in a missed week or month of content. We, of course, do our best to work with you and your schedule and provide regular reminders of upcoming deadlines. It is very rare that a client misses a deadline - we understand that unexpected circumstances may arise and that’s where reason #6 comes in.

6. You are not strong at communicating with your team.

The key to building a strong relationship with our clients is clear and concise communication. To make sure that we start off on the right foot, and are set up to succeed together, we have a thorough onboarding process that allows you to provide us with all of the necessary information and resources we need to do our best to support you with your online marketing. It does often feel like you are needing to invest more time in the beginning. However, this quickly adjusts into an appropriate rhythm as we begin to get to know you and your business better.

As part of all of our marketing packages, a monthly strategy call is included. These calls allow us to keep updated on your marketing and business goals, and the direction that you are taking your business. As well, they give you the opportunity to share any feedback and special requests you may have with us. It is our passion to help you confidently grow your business online, and to have a successful partnership there needs to be great communication from both sides of this partnership.

Are you ready to work with us as your marketing team?

So, if you read through those six reasons and feel like our marketing team could be the right fit for your business, let’s have a quick teatime chat! (Yes, I love a good cuppa tea but you’re welcome to come with your preferred drink of choice๐Ÿ˜‰ )

Or you can also check out our digital marketing services here.

Let us give you the gift of confidence for your message!

Not quite ready to invest in a team to help with your marketing?

Grab this FREE guide and learn how you can start booking more clients every day with these 5 simple steps to growing your business online. With these 5 simple steps, you can grow your business online with a process that will help you be consistent and save you time ... all while filling your courses and programs!