5 Tips To Help Your Business Survive And Thrive In A Crisis

business planning healthy living online marketing Mar 17, 2020
5 tips to help your business survive and thrive in a crisis

At any given time, our business can be affected by external crisis, whether it is personally, professionally, or globally.

How do you deal with an external crisis so that your business can not only survive but thrive?

No matter where you are located, it is very likely that you, your family and business are being affected by this global COVID-19 pandemic.

Life has changed for so many, if not all, of us. The world is not the same it was even last week.

This week, Premier Kenney declared a provincial public state of emergency here in Alberta. Schools and day cares are closed. The weekly activities and programs we attend are cancelled. People are being encouraged to work from home and to self-isolate. There is so much change happening that it can be overwhelming, and so hard not to let the fear and anxiety overwhelm you even further.

Today, I want to share some tips to help you survive this pandemic and any other external crisis you may face in your personal life and business life. And not only survive the crisis, but thrive! I hope these quick tips will help you live through this ‘new normal’ and come out stronger.

1. Let yourself feel the emotions.

At the beginning of this week, we accepted the fact that we will have to postpone a much anticipated trip to visit family in England. We have been planning this trip for months. Planning activities to do together, people to visit, and places to see. I am sad that we are no longer able to go. I had to allow myself to sit in that sadness. To grieve the loss of this anticipated time together.

It’s important to take time to sit with your emotions and to grieve the changes and cancellations of plans. Sit with and acknowledge how you are feeling. Give yourself the time to grieve the loss of plans, face-to-face interaction with friends, and the impact this pandemic is having on your work and business.  

2. Stay positive.

We are being told to self-isolate and practice social distancing to help flatten the curve of the pandemic. This is not easy and can easily increase the fear and anxiety that we may already be experiencing from all of the media coverage. Having to stay at home and limit the number of people you come into close contact with can be isolating in and of itself. It is so important to keep a positive mindset. Check in with family and friends by calling or video calling. Play upbeat and positive music. Get outside and enjoy the fresh air.

This one may not be for everyone, but hold on to the truth’s from God’s Word. We know that we have not been given a spirit of fear, but of power, love and a sound mind (2 Timothy 1:7). Spend more time in prayer, both personally and for your business. I am joining the 31 Day Prayer Challenge for Coaches & Entrepreneurs starting April 1st. If you feel that you need to cast your cares on God more I encourage you to sign up too.


3. Adapt as needed.

Our world has changed. It’s no longer business as usual and we probably won’t be back to ‘normal’ for a few months yet. We need to learn to adapt how we do life and how we work our businesses. Get creative and innovative in finding new ideas and solutions. Many people are moving in-person meetings and gatherings to online options. People are adapting to working from home. Don’t be afraid to change and adapt your business so that you are able to still meet the needs of your clients.

If you are feeling overwhelmed with finding new ideas and solutions, reach out to me. We can help with setting up and moderating virtual events, and any other online marketing needs you have.  

4. Take more breaks.

Many people are working from home, and now have the kids at home all day with schools closed for the foreseeable future. As a work-at-home mom, myself, our daily routines have not changed too much apart from the cancellation of programs and activities. This does mean that we are physically at home more than we are used to. Even so, it’s important to plan breaks throughout the day. Get up and move your body for at least 30 minutes a day. Get outside and soak in some fresh air. Try something new. Work on a new project or course. Take time for family.  

5. Don’t stay isolated, find support.

Staying home and practicing social distancing can be isolating in and of itself. As a work-at-home mom who works virtually, I am not lonely very often because I make it a priority to connect with people. Check in with family and friends. Find someone to talk with whether it is an accountability partner, colleague, therapist, friend or family member. Talk out your stress and feelings. Get the support you need.

If you need extra support in your business, set up a quick call and let’s see how we can help you and your business.

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