An Update On Some Changes Coming to Tiel Virtual Solutions
Apr 22, 2021
As the world changes, Tiel Virtual Solutions is changing online marketing services to better serve the needs of coaches and course creators.
Change is hard. Change means stepping out of what we know, out of what we are familiar and comfortable with. But sometimes, may I dare say oftentimes, change is good.
"Life is about change. Sometimes it's painful. Sometimes it's beautiful. But most of the time, it's both.” ~ Lana Lang
We have all experienced change in the past year. Some good. Some hard. As the world has learned to live through a global pandemic, we have all been impacted in many different ways.
And as things change in the world, sometimes our businesses need to pivot to keep up with those changes.
I am excited to share with you today, some updates that have been in the works for the past few months here at Tiel Virtual Solutions:
1. Refocus my business priorities and goals.
Have you heard of the Full Focus Planner by Michael Hyatt? I am sure many of you have, especially if you follow some of the very successful online marketing entrepreneurs including Amy Porterfield, queen of online courses. This year, I have joined the band-wagon of entrepreneurs who love their Full Focus Planner!
I started using the Full Focus Planner at the beginning of 2021 and it has been a game changer! And I know I am not fully using every part of the planner yet. I am definitely a pen and paper type gal, and I love that I have this place to write down my top tasks and goals for each day, week and quarter. It helps to keep me focused on the most important tasks of each day, and it is helping me to identify and follow-through on my annual business goals – including providing consistent marketing content for my followers :).
If you are struggling with keeping your business goals and priorities a focus in your day-to-day operations, I highly recommend you giving the Full Focus Planner a try.
2. Building a strong business foundation
I have been supporting clients for a full 2 years now! And have enjoyed every moment of it. I love knowing that I have been able to provide my clients with support that allows them to reclaim their time, and to grow their business with confidence knowing that they are being supported.
Did you know that statistics show that only 35% of small businesses here in Canada will succeed beyond 5 years of operation? I have made a commitment to myself (and thus to my clients) that I will be one of those 35% and have a growing and successful business well past that 5 year mark. To help set my business up for success, I applied to a local entrepreneurial training program and was accepted into the 2021 program for SMARTstart.
This is an 8-month program that provides online business training, workshops & seminars, and mentorship to “give entrepreneurs with an idea and new business owners the tools to build a plan that will help set their business up for success.” I am very excited for this opportunity to not only identify gaps in my business foundations but to also network with local entrepreneurs and learn from mentors in the local business industry.
3. Changes to the online marketing services we provide
The major change that will be happening at Tiel Virtual Solutions is an update in the services that I will focus on providing for my clients. As more and more businesses move to offer their products and services online, I am seeing a growing need for support not only with online marketing but also with online course setup and management.
For many course creators and coaches it can be overwhelming to figure out how to pivot their business to an online format. It can be overwhelming to decide on what services and platforms to use when there are so many options with each one offering many good benefits and features. In addition, many entrepreneurs feel overwhelmed to find the time to learn the back-end technology of these platforms in addition to working with their clients, and designing and teaching their course content. They don’t have the time to do everything.
This is why Tiel Virtual Solutions strives to help coaches and course creators to reclaim their time by providing online marketing support and removing the overwhelm of needing to learn “all the tech”.
If you can resonate with this, and would like to learn more about how I can help you with your online course setup on Kajabi, your course launch or your online marketing, feel free to book a quick discovery call with me here.