5 Core Values That Influence How We Serve Our Clients

business planning online marketing May 06, 2021
Core Values that Influence how Tiel Virtual Solutions serves our clients

A business’s core values are at the center of all their business decisions, including how they serve their clients.

Have you taken time to identify the core values of your business?

Chances are, you have been operating with core values in place whether you have taken the time to write them down or not. We all live by personal principles and standards. And when we are a business owner, these personal standards often influence the core values of our business.

According to Tony Robbins, a company’s core values can be defined as “the fundamental principles or philosophies that guide an organization’s business decisions.

The values of a company direct and govern all aspects of the business from internal affairs to the external client or customer relationships.

I recently took some time to write down the core values that Tiel Virtual Solutions operates from during a business and content planning weekend (I shared more about this weekend in this article: 3 Tips for Planning out your Online Marketing Content) and I would like to share them with you.

The 5 core values that are key to our success of providing high-quality tech-savvy support:

1. Curiosity – Striving for growth and continual learning The world of online marketing and course creation is always evolving and changing. There is always a new update, new platform or new ideas to try out. Here at Tiel Virtual Solutions, we strive to always grow and learn in our knowledge of online marketing to provide better and better support for my clients.

I am a proud member of Freelance University and the Canadian Association of Virtual Assistants (CAVA) where I have on-going access to recent trainings and programs, and I follow some of the top experts and influencers in the online marketing industry, including Amy PorterfieldJennie Lyon, and Kathy Colaiacovo to name just a few. to always stay up-to-date on the happenings of the industry. Each team member of Tiel Virtual Solutions is encouraged to continue to grow in their knowledge and area of expertise.

2. Efficiency – Delivering our best through exceptional client service All of our clients are number one. We endeavor to provide each client with a high level of support, delivering our very best through the services we provide. Tiel Virtual Solutions is operated with a strong, hard-working work ethic to provide dependable and reliable support to our clients.

3. Integrity – Working honestly and learning from our mistakes As Bram Stoker said, “we learn from failure, not from success!” We are the first to admit that we are not perfect, and sometimes something will fall through the cracks. However, we strive to take ownership of our mistakes, to rectify and learn from them, and to provide honest work to all of our clients.

4. Reliability – Trustworthy support providing peace of mind to our clients In addition to providing efficient and honest support, our clients know that they can rely on Tiel Virtual Solutions to provide them with trustworthy support that will make their life easier as we help “hold all those balls in the air”. Many of our clients are overwhelmed with all aspects of running their business, and we are here to help them reclaim their time and bring them peace of mind.

5. Philanthropy – Giving generously to local and world-wide community needs. It has been a desire and goal, from the very beginning, to use the resources available at Tiel Virtual Solutions to not only support our clients but to give back to those in need both locally and throughout the world.

We are proud to partner with local, national, and international charities to create meaningful change in our world. Change that includes meeting fundamental human needs through school lunches, and essential care for vulnerable mothers and their babies. 10% from every service or package purchased is used to help change the world. You can learn more about our partnerships here: Tiel Virtual Solutions Giving Back Initiative.