5 Benefits of Hiring a Marketing Team for your Coaching Business

online marketing Nov 08, 2022
5 Benefits of Hiring a Marketing Team for your Coaching Business

Hiring a marketing team for your coaching business could be one of the best investments you make!

Many entrepreneurs start their coaching or other business with a DIY approach to marketing (and many other areas of running a business). However, there comes a point in the growth of your business when it’s time to invest in hiring a marketing team.

Outsourcing your marketing is vital to the continual growth of your business so you can effectively cultivate new connections and leads, build your brand and stay competitive, whilst handling other important aspects of your business.

Although the current economy paints a grim picture of what the future looks like, inbound marketing will continue to play a critical role in growing our businesses. What is inbound marketing?

Inbound marketing refers to a marketing methodology where you attract, engage and delight customers along their buyers’ journeys.

A recent article by Neil Patel – 2023 is Going to be Bad for Marketing, But There’s Hope – outlined 6 areas where he has seen companies grow in this economy, including investing in:

  • SEO - that consistent, new article you add to your website that is optimized for the search engines.
  • Email marketing - that regular newsletter nurturing your email list filled with potential clients.
  • Conversion optimization - converting more visitors to your website into customers through good content that answers the question, “Why should I purchase your coaching program?”

Now that we know how important marketing will continue to be in the growth of our small businesses, let’s take a look at 5 benefits to outsourcing the marketing of your business to a marketing team or agency. And before you start to ask yourself if you can afford to outsource this area of your business, ask yourself ... “Can you afford not to?

Here are 5 benefits to hiring a marketing team for your coaching or other small business to help you continue to grow and attract new clients:

  1. You’ll gain time to focus on running your business.
  2. You’ll build a consistent and trusted brand voice.
  3. You’ll have access to the knowledge and expertise of a marketing team.
  4. You’ll stay up-to-date with marketing trends for your business.
  5. You’ll have access to an outside perspective on your marketing strategy.

1. You’ll gain time to focus on running your business.

As entrepreneurs and small business owners, we all start and grow our businesses by juggling all the balls or wearing all the hats. We are responsible for not only helping our clients but also the day-to-day operations, finances, and marketing of our businesses. And I will guess that you didn’t start your business so you could take care of the accounting or marketing sides? You started your business so you could make a difference in the lives of your clients.

There comes a point in the growth of your business when you need to outsource some of those responsibilities that are not in your zone of genius or area of expertise. When you partner with a marketing team, you are allowing them to take those marketing tasks off your plate and gain back time to focus on the areas of your business that bring you joy. You are gifted the time to focus on making those strategic business decisions to move your coaching business forward, to develop and update those amazing courses, and to help more people with your knowledge and expertise.

2. You’ll build a consistent and trusted brand voice.

When you can produce consistent, new content on your website, social media channels and in your email newsletters, you begin to develop a rapport and relationship with your audience. It helps to keep you and your business (or brand) front-of-mind and builds credibility and trust as a reliable source of knowledge and expertise.

Hiring a marketing team can provide that level of accountability to stay consistent with regularly producing new pieces of marketing content, and is able to tie in all of the pieces of marketing in a cohesive way to keep you front and centre with your audience. (To learn more about how we can take that one article you write and turn it into a minimum of 9 different pieces, check out this article: The Secret Sauce to Effectively Marketing Your Business Online.)

3. You’ll have access to the knowledge and expertise of a marketing team.

Outsourcing your marketing to a freelance marketing team or agency gives you access to all of their knowledge, expertise and experiences. Like many other aspects of business, the world of online marketing is always changing and evolving. There are continual updates and changes to the different technologies, platforms and mediums that are used for effectively marketing online, and always new ones appearing.

It can quickly become overwhelming to keep up-to-date with the constant changes. Hiring a marketing team that specializes in online marketing, like Tiel Virtual Solutions, can help to bridge that knowledge gap and keep your marketing strategy up-to-date. We are continually learning, staying up-to-date and educated so you don’t have to.

4. You’ll stay up-to-date with marketing trends for your business.

When you invest in your business by outsourcing aspects of your marketing to a freelance marketing team or agency, you will help your business to stay up-to-date with current marketing trends. Now, I’m not saying that you should jump from one trend to another, as that is not always (if ever) an effective strategy. Inbound marketing to attract new clients is a long-haul strategy but having a good understanding of current marketing trends that fall within your marketing strategy can help to get you in front of more potential clients.

5. You’ll have access to an outside perspective on your marketing strategy.

As a small business owner, it can be easy to fall into a comfort zone with your marketing strategy where you keep doing what you think is right. And it may be right. But you could also be off the mark. Are you truly seeing your marketing strategy from the view of your ideal client? Is there something that you need to adjust to help you to be more effective with your marketing? All in a way that can save you more time whilst getting you better results?

Working with a marketing team or agency can give you access to an outside perspective on your marketing strategy and effectiveness. They can bring a wealth of marketing knowledge and industry knowledge from working with other businesses to your coaching business, giving you an outside, professional perspective on your marketing.

Outsourcing the marketing of your business to a marketing team can bring many benefits to you and your business, enabling you to keep growing and to stay competitive with a consistent brand voice online.

If you are feeling overwhelmed, frustrated with your marketing, or stuck in a place that is not growing your business, I encourage you to take some time to evaluate your business goals and vision. It may be time to consider outsourcing your marketing so that you can:

  • gain time to focus on growing your business,
  • stay up-to-date with current marketing trends, and
  • work with a knowledgeable expert who will provide you with an outside perspective on your marketing strategy and plans.

Are you ready to take that next step in growing your business? Book a quick teatime chat with Natashia to learn how we can help you overcome stagnation by confidently growing your business online through effective marketing. Let us give you the gift of confidence for your message!

Not quite ready to invest in a team to help with your marketing?

Grab this FREE guide and learn how you can start booking more clients every day with these 5 simple steps to growing your business online. With these 5 simple steps, you can grow your business online with a process that will help you be consistent and save you time ... all while filling your courses and programs!